
A strong company for more than 15 years

stands for the C of Crombez:
Founder and manager Stijn Crombez has been the driving force behind CBgroep for more than 15 years.

C stands for Cachet:

CBgroep provides a quality label. We produce our installations in Belgium and we are proud of our CB stamp. Together, we ensure that the nuisance remains limited in terms of emissions and odour. Our customers are proud to work with our installations. We give agriculture and industry some extra “cachet”.


stands for a Believable partner who is always looking for solutions for your company.  From the very beginning at start up to electronic monitoring.  We are a direct company since we want the best for our customers.  A promise is really a promise.

GROUP: We are a family business with a human touch.  Our employees are our ambassadors.  CBgroep has grown strongly in recent years and currently employs around 20 people.